Installation Services
Having the right equipment to enable a disabled person to live more independently and also help their carers is vital.
Equipment which can make it easier to manage at home is usually agreed following an assessment by an occupational therapist.
The items supplied can make it easier and safer to deal with everyday tasks such as preparing food or managing your personal care. Simple alterations or adaptations can also be arranged, such as repositioning electrical sockets or fixing handrails.
The type of equipment or adaptation provided will depend on your situation, and can range from straightforward items such as kettle tippers and tap turners in the kitchen, bath seats and raised toilet seats in the bathroom, right through to hoists to help with transferring in and out of bed or bath.
All the products available on this site can be installed within the South East Area by our building Contractors:
Please call Shepway Building Contractors on 01303 271100
or visit our website at www.folkestonebuilders.com
We can provide professional, helpful advice about all our disabled aids and give you an idea of installation costs.